If you receive your monthly bank statements in paper, this helpful security information is for you.
Take just a moment and think about what you do with your bank statements once they arrive in the mail. If you are like many people, you add them to a pile to go through later or, perhaps you look over them quickly and then put them in the trash.
Sound familiar? If so, you may be opening yourself up for potential financial fraud. Unfortunately, individuals with criminal intent look at common money-related habits and how they can use those habits to their advantage. These unscrupulous individuals look for ways to acquire sensitive personal financial information. As in the example mentioned above, they may come across your statements by rummaging around on countertops, desks, or in places that you discard documents.
Simple tips that you can follow to protect your bank statement information.
At Century Next Bank, we offer the option to access your bank statements securely through online banking. Your statements will be available to view at any time of day or night, whenever is most convenient for you. Simply enroll in online banking through the link at the top of our homepage. When you add your accounts as part of the enrollment, you will see a box that you can check to receive E-statements.
Tags: Online Banking | Safety Tips